This site is owned and operated by CoolDog © jewellery Registered office: Postbus 96 – 1860 AB – 1. Ownership of Rights All rights, including copyright, in this website are owned by or licensed to 2. Accuracy of Content CoolDog © jewellery has taken every care in the preparation of the content of this website, in particular to ensure that prices quoted are correct at time of publishing and all products have been fairly described. However, orders will only be accepted if there are no material errors in the description of the goods or their prices as advertised on this website. All prices are displayed excluding of VAT. Packaging may vary from that shown. The weights, dimensions and capacities given are approximate only. We have made every effort to display as accurately as possible the colours of our products that appear on the website. However, as the actual colours you see will depend on your monitor, we cannot guarantee that your monitor's display of any colour will accurately reflect the colour of the product on delivery. To the extent permitted by applicable law, CoolDog © jewellery disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information contained in any of the materials on this website. CoolDog © jewellery shall not be liable to any person for any loss or damage which may arise from the use of any of the information contained in any of the materials on this website. 3. Damage to your Computer CoolDog © jewellery makes every effort to ensure that this website is free from viruses or defects. However, we cannot guarantee that your use of this website or any websites accessible through it won't cause damage to your computer. It is your responsibility to ensure that the right equipment is available to use the website and screen out anything that may damage it. 4. Availability All items are subject to availability. We will inform you as soon as possible if the goods you have ordered are not available. 5. Ordering Errors You are able to correct errors on your order up to the point at which you click on "order" on the final page of our ordering process. 6. Delivery Charges Ordering an item from or 7. Delivery time Delivery will take place after receiving your payment (if in stock). 8. Acknowledgment and Acceptance of your Order If you have supplied us with your email address, we will notify you by email as soon as possible to confirm receipt of your order and email you again or telephone you to confirm we have accepted your order. At this point the contract for our sale and your purchase of the goods shall be made and the contract shall be formed at the place from which our acceptance email is sent to you. If you have not supplied us with your email address, our confirmation of order page at the end of our ordering process will act as confirmation that we have received your order. No contract will be formed until you receive confirmation from us that we have accepted your order. 9. Cancellation Right You have the legal right to cancel your order within seven working days of receipt of the goods. 10. Substitution We reserve the right to substitute goods or packaging of equal quality and value. 11. Links to Other Websites We have placed links on this website to other websites we think you may want to visit. We do not vet these websites and do not have any control over their contents. 12. CoolDog © jewellery cannot accept any liability in wrong delivery by postman. 13. Other Legal Notices There may be legal notices on other areas of this website which relate to your use of this website, all of which will, together with these terms & conditions govern your use of this website. 14. Changes to Legal Notices We reserve the right to change these terms & conditions from time to time and you should look through them as often as possible. IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS & CONDITIONS PLEASE LEAVE THIS WEBSITE NOW
or call us on 00 31 651682644.
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CoolDog © jewellery (owner of ) . Any use of this website or its contents, including copying or storing it or them in whole or part, other than for your own personal, non-commercial use is prohibited without the permission of CoolDog © jewellery. You may not modify, distribute or re-post anything on this website for any purpose.
CoolDog © jewellery shall not be liable to any person for any loss or damage which may arise to computer equipment as a result of using this website.
We can ship to virtually any adress in the world. Our shipping rates, including shipping and handling are:
Shipping inside
International shipping : 7 to 12 business days.
CoolDog © jewellery cannot accept any liability in respect of the use of these websites.
Copyright © CoolDog © jewellery 2001. All rights reserved.